Friday, December 17, 2010

One more..

Posting one more update on a recent lino i'm working on. This is the first print...Not completely happy with it, i think it needs some more cutting done to the plate/image before i will view it as complete.

Image (plate) size 60 x 45 cm, as before.

More Linocuts

Variation on a theme here. Simple op art or pattern type structure as below.

Same structure with alternating patterns:

Both images 60 x 45 cm plate size, 76 x 56 cm paper.

Pattern Based Linocuts

Doing some more pattern based linocuts, one colour at the moment but i am planning on doing 2 or three colour in future. Also possibly combining with screenprinting on some images. Having said that i think some images are best served by a single all depends..

Images are 60 x 45cm (plate size) on A1 paper (76 x 56 cm).

This one combines some Japanese patterns with some i made myself.