Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Plein air sketchbook - cont.

Continuing the plein air sketches. Downfall Creek, 4th Aug 2011:

Gouache, 15 x 8 cm   
Gouache, 15 x 8 cm

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Plein air sketchbook - cont.

A few from today done at Shorncliffe. The first two are worked a bit more, the second two are more quick sketches:

Gouache, 8 x 15cm
Gouache, 8 x 15cm
Gouache, 8 x 15 cm
Gouache, 8 x 15 cm

Plein air sketchbook - cont.

My neighbours tree..

Gouache, 8 x 15 cm

From the window..

Gouache, 8 x 15cm

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Plein air sketches

Getting back into some plein air sketches..Starting small because it's so much easier to make big changes rapidly...


Watercolour & Gouache, 3 x 6"
Watercolour & Gouache, 3 x 6"

Windsor Park:

Watercolour & Gouache, 3 x 6"
Watercolour & Gouache, 3 x 6"

Old Linocuts

Posting a couple of linocuts from last year:

Untitled, 45 x 30cm

Landscape, 42 x 55 cm

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Book Arts

Just posting a couple of recent efforts putting some prints into a simple book format.

Hedi Kyle style flagbook composed of cut monoprints:

21 x 10 cm (closed size)  

Tunnel book comprised of cut lino prints:

15 x 18 cm

Couple more things..

Chao Phraya #1. Etching on copper with aquatint:

10 x 15 cm

And one of my better monoprints:

30 x 21 cm

More etchings: Islamic Design Variations

Some smaller etchings - variations on islamic designs. All are etched on is a relief print, the rest all printed intaglio. Aquatint has been applied to some plates. All of these are 15 x 10 cm plate size:

Figure and Landscape etchings

Here are some recent figure and landscape etchings i have been doing at BIA:
Etched on copper plates and printed on Dutch aquatint paper:

20 x 15 cm

20 x 15 cm
15 x 20 cm
20 x 15 cm

Recent Linocuts

An update (finished version) of the last lino plus some multi-coloured linocuts (cutting the plate into pieces method used.)
I'm now doing some variations on classic Islamic designs.

60 x 45 cm

60 x 40 cm
60 x 40 cm
60 x 40 cm
detail of last print