Thursday, July 18, 2019

Saturday, July 13, 2019

New Stoneware Glaze Firing

'Before' and 'After' shots of a recent Cone 9 Firing. What goes into the kiln is not what comes out: it's very exciting.


and After

Glaze on Glaze test tile 1

Glaze on Glaze test tile 2

Cone 6 Glaze on Glaze

 Updated Image from Cone 6 Firing

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Ceramics from mid-2019

Cone 9 Neodymium Oxide inside

Cone 9 Iron Oxide Inside

Cone 9 Copper Oxide Inside

Cone 9 'Tea Dust' Glaze Inside

Cone 6 Glaze on Glaze

Sculptures from 2018

First attempt at Pumpkin Carving

Old Crone, Chavant Medium Clay

Robot Sculpture v2, Apoxie Sculpt

Robot Sculpture v1, Apoxie Sculpt

Robot Sculpt, Polymer Clay

Some ceramics from 2018

Lava Glaze Under Yellow Satin

Lava Glaze under Lead Glaze

First attempt at face mug

Barium + Copper Glaze